Sunday, August 14, 2011

12 weeks tomorrow

Boston is quickly approaching the 3 month mark, and I am really praying that sometime in the next month he learns to sleep better and just become and overall happier baby. He is slowly getting there and over the past few days has gone to bed easier, but still not sleeping for that long while hes down. Peter and I went to my midwifes house and made pottery yesterday. (ok really Peter did because I am no artist) He made a plate with Bostons footprint on it, and then turned the footprint into a turtle. But the reason why I mention this, is as I listened to the other ladies who were there talking about how long their babies slept, I realize that Boston is far behind. While their babies are getting 5-6 hour stretches, we are still getting 4 on a really really good night. 3 times ever he has had longer stretches (the best being at 7 weeks when we first put him in his miracle blanket he slept for 8 hours straight) but all it all that is an extreme rarity.
While I in no way feel that I have Boston totally figured out, I am slowly starting to figure out what works for him and what has the highest chances of making him happy. I know that when he is upset that he likes to be held upright and over my shoulder. I know that he likes to wake up in the morning (6-8am) and have a morning chat. He gets quite upset if you try and put him back to bed at that time he wants to have his morning talk. He is very very verbal at this time and will babble on for up to 30 minutes. But once that time is done he is ready to go right back to bed, if you don't put him right back to bed you will miss that window of opportunity and you will have a screamer on your hands. I know that when he gets into a good long scream, the only thing that has a chance of breaking that scream is a squirt of mylecon. He loves the flavor and 9 times out of 10 he will start smacking on that and I can get the paci back in his mouth and he will calm down. But I also know that there are days and times where I could do anything I want nothing is going to calm him down.
Boston is starting to enjoy sucking on his fist. Hes been doing that for a little over a week and he just loves smacking on that thing.


While he does have bad times, I try to focus on the good times. His happy smiling moments. They are happening a little more often these days and I am looking forward to more of them!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

10 1/2 weeks

At 10 1/2 weeks Boston is really starting to gain a personality. He is babbling and cooing a lot. Especially in the mornings around 630 or 7 he DOES NOT want to go back to sleep at that time, he wants to sit propped up on your legs and "talk" to you. But you cannot take this time for granted because it switches from happy cooing to crying or even screaming in an instant. Boston is smiling a lot more when you talk to him and actually responding to your facial expressions. He is learning to become a better sleeper, at least he is having a few more good days than he had previously had in the past. He is to where he usually only wakes up 1 to 2 times a night. Hes very very active, always moving which can be quite frustrating to both him and us when he is trying to go to sleep, because he will jerk himself awake regardless of being swaddled.
At 10 1/2 weeks Boston is now 11.5lbs. He has horrible dry skin and a very flaky head. He is always constipated and never goes without is intervening every 3-4 days. (We are hoping my mom is right and its something they all go through and grow out of) His colic has improved and he doesn't have screaming fits quite as much as he used to. However his reflux is still present and he throws up a lot and you can hear milk coming up in this throat.
At 10 1/2 weeks I am loving this little guy more and more each day. I hate that he is getting bigger cause I would love him to be small and a baby forever, but at the same time I love all the new developments to his personality hes so much fun.
