Saturday, July 16, 2011

New Blog

I am terrible at keeping my journal updated and I wanted a way to remember all the happenings of our lives and decided that I used to be great at blogging once upon a time, so why not take up the old habit again.
Boston is now 7 weeks and 5 days old. He was seen at the pediatrician yesterday and is now 11lbs and 22 inches long. He is growing every day and I have noticed that this week he has really started taking an interest in looking at things. He has a sort of mobile on his swing, and while he will only stay in his swing for about 5 minutes, he is usually staring at the hanging giraffe and elephant the whole time. We bought him 2 little toys to dangle off of his car seat today so we will see if those catch his eye.
Peter has figured out that the only kind of music that Boston will remain mostly calm for in the car is classical music. Its not fool proof, but it sure does seem to help. Funny thing is, he doesn't like any and all classical, he seems to prefer the wind instruments. When its just stringed instruments he starts crying again. Funny thing is, I have never listened to classical music while I was pregnant with him so I don't know where he learned to like it, but maybe it will make him super smart. One can hope right.
I go back to work on Monday and there are not words to describe how much I don't want to go. I know that I am leaving Boston in the capable hands of his dad, but I don't want to leave him. I have thoroughly enjoyed the past 8 weeks with him. Yes it has been very hard, with him not sleeping much, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love being a mom to Boston and I am not looking forward to leaving him behind. This is the one point that I wish I could just put him back inside so that I could take him to work with me, like the "old" days.

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